Building Trust: The Cornerstone of Derek Pesta’s Client Relationships
By Derek Pesta
Trust is the foundation of every successful client-advisor relationship in the complicated finance and wealth management world. For Derek Pesta, the CEO and Financial Advisor at Pesta & Pesta Wealth Management, trust is the steering light that enhances every interaction with his clients.
Trust is usually termed as the currency of the financial industry. When clients entrust their hard-earned assets and money to a financial advisor, they’re not merely asking for investment advice but a partner in their journey, hoping for growth.
But how do clients trust a wealth manager? As Derek states, “Trust is not something you can demand; it’s something you must earn. And we earn it every day by putting our clients’ interests first, by being transparent, and by being accountable.”
Money management is about understanding each client’s goals, aspirations, and fears. Trust will naturally develop when you adopt a client-centric approach, keeping them at the centre of every decision. “Financial planning is a deeply individualized procedure,” says Derek. “To truly serve our clients, we must build trust beyond spreadsheets and investments.”
Transparency in your practice is the key to having clients put their faith in you. Clients must not be left guideless about their investments or financial plans. Instead, they should be engaged in the decision-making process.
“Our clients deserve to know the ‘why’ behind every financial move we make,” Derek explains. “We empower them with knowledge so they can make informed decisions.”
Trust also necessitates accountability. In an industry where unpredictability is common, financial planners must approach every decision with diligence and the highest ethical standards. “Accountability means owning up to our actions, good or bad,” Derek emphasizes. “We are committed to doing what’s right for our clients.”
Pesta & Pesta Wealth Management has served clients for over five decades. Passing over three generations, the firm has claimed to keep trust-building at the forefront of its operations. “From my grandfather’s time to my father’s, and now mine, we’ve been fortunate to build enduring relationships with our clients,” Derek reflects. “This trust keeps us going and motivates us to continually raise the bar.”
Derek and his team strive to guide clients toward their unique financial objectives. They aim to remain dedicated to building trust and seek to ensure each client’s financial journey goes as smoothly as possible.
Ultimately, trust is a living, breathing element of every client’s journey. It’s the assurance that their financial well-being is in capable hands. Their financial confidence comes from knowing they have a partner who truly cares about their growth and success.
Every financial planner must understand that trust is a cornerstone of every successful practice. It is one element that is essential for growth in this field. If your clients don’t believe you, no matter what you do, you can never reach the top of the finance world.