A cheque-writing service that helps ease the payment processing burden for companies across the UK, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, has now issued its 10 millionth cheque.
Launched just last year, the Send-A-Cheque™ service streamlines regular or ad-hoc payments; a task that has become more difficult as many companies are still working from home. The TALL Group of Companies, comprising TALL Security Print, Checkprint and DLRT launched the secure service to take away the stress of making cheque payments.
At the start of the pandemic, the TALL Group identified the challenge facing companies that may struggle to generate payments on demand. The Send-A- Cheque™ service user simply supplies payment details to TALL and within 48 hours a fully and securely infilled (and signed – by agreement) cheque will be posted back to the payer for distribution, or indeed mailed directly to the payee. The cheque also includes the latest bank-recommended Image Survivable Features (ISFs) as standard. Every single cheque carries its own unique ISF, many with the TALL Group patented device, the UCN Plus®, an encrypted and automatically verified QR Code to deter potential cheque fraud and trap counterfeits and fraudulently altered items.
Martin Ruda, Managing Director of the TALL Group, said: “The Send-A-Cheque™ service morphed out of TALL’s long-standing ‘Cheque Bureau Service’ and the issuing of our 10 millionth cheque marks a significant milestone in the provision of cheque payments on behalf of customers over a number of years. Rebranded ‘Send-A-Cheque™’ in 2020, before the start of the major lock-downs, the platform ‘does-exactly-what-it-says-on-the-tin’ – and that is why we have simplified the message – and it has taken off.”
“More and more of our financial services sector clients are using it – especially those who know – and may only need to know – the name and address of the payee for whom it (Send-A-Cheque™) is particularly attractive. Companies such as these often use the platform for payments, particularly for customers who are no longer in a relationship with them.”
“The City Partnership (UK) Ltd (“City”) is a prime example of this type of customer. City is a well-established and successful provider of corporate and fund services. We began our relationship with them in May 2017, providing Cheques and now using the Send-A-Cheque™ platform regularly send out cheque payments on their behalf. The issue of the 10 millionth cheque coincided with one of these payment runs.”
City’s Director of Receiving Agent and Registrar Services, Andrew Lecomber Peace, said: “We have found this tool invaluable; we have been doing our best to maintain business as usual during the pandemic, and the TALL cheque service has enabled us to continue high levels of customer service including our regular cheque payments without putting additional pressure on our internal processes.”
Martin Ruda added: “We are excited to reach this landmark 10 millionth cheque. Its completion clearly proves an appetite for the easy-to-use Send-A-Cheque™ service. In order to mark the occasion, we presented a special framed certificate with a copy of the cheque to the City Partnership in recognition of their part in this milestone.”
Martin continued, “The Send-A-Cheque™ platform is directed precisely at companies’ need to cost effectively outsource non-core, but sensitive and secure administrative functions. COVID-19 has certainly heightened this need with many staff being away from offices or furloughed. This platform also adds layers of incremental security, including the latest bank-recommended ISFs, a fully digital input solution, and comprehensive Management Information reporting, all as part of the service.”
“Indeed, we foresee the next developmental stage of Send-A-Cheque™, as we work closely with our bank partners, to create a consumer-led mobile-initiated Cheque-On-Demand™ service to allow banks’ customers to request a cheque to be sent to a payee from TALL – one cheque at a time. Watch this space… “