The Power of emotional health and Balance in entrepreneurial success
By Simeon Lakuc, freelance writer and PR specialist working with Pearl Lemon PR.
In this article, Deepak Shukla explores how cultivating emotional well-being can enhance an entrepreneur’s ability to read, adapt to the unknown, remain calm under pressure, and ultimately achieve success.
Why Emotional Health Management Should The Number #1 Priority In Life
The management of emotions is something that comes up a lot in my work. It’s no surprise in some ways because I spent a decent proportion of my 20s in therapy – through actual licensed therapists, the reading of dozens of therapeutic books, and the hundreds of hours of conversations I had with friends on this subject.
I struggled. I was unhappy – and I tried to cover it up with adventure and action. Now, looking at many of the entrepreneurs I have met along the way, I’d say one of the most notable causes for failure (and I believe this extends well outside of the entrepreneurial circle) is poor emotional health management: This is why ensuring I get on top of it is a big priority for me outside of all of the mundane and typical topics I’m always engrossed in as an entrepreneur.
I’m a big fan of coaching, a huge fan of self-development, and a fan of anyone who is continuously trying to level up in their life emotionally. Here are a few examples of emotional challenges that affect the lives of millions:
- Folks who lack the desire to show emotional tenderness to their partners – because ‘that’s just the way I am’.
- Folks who don’t execute aggressively in business because everything has to be ‘just right’.
- Folks who take other people’s opinions too seriously and let the thoughts of others stop them.
- Folks who see smart choices as risky bets remain stuck in their lives.
- Folks who are afraid of being shown up and so never take any risks whatsoever.
- Folks who fear the unknown so achieve some modicum of success and commit to doing what’s comfortable.
- Folks who will continuously give me excellent strategic theory and then will act on <10% of it.
- Folks who….know they should quit smoking, but keep smoking anyway and only make token attempts to give up.
If you are going through these emotional struggles, there is no better time than the present to change your outlook and move forward. True change is hard: True change is not logical, it’s entirely emotional and if you can achieve emotional mastery – it’ll help you scale new heights in your life.
The ability to stay focused and succeed through stress
Every entrepreneur needs to have good emotional health and balance if they want to succeed. Emotional health is important because it affects how we think, feel, and behave. It also helps us make better decisions and stay focused on our goals. Having good emotional health can help entrepreneurs stay motivated and productive, as well as manage stress in a healthy way.
Good emotional health allows you to stay focused on your goals, make better decisions, and handle stress in an effective manner. It also helps you develop strong relationships with your team members, customers, and partners. Having an overall positive outlook on life can lead to greater success in business ventures.
How to Achieve Emotional Health
Embrace the Unknown
I’ve learned from my experience in leading a business, such as Pearl Lemon; As an entrepreneur, I’m required to come to terms with the reality of the unknown. Uncertainties are an inherent part of the entrepreneurial journey, and a successful entrepreneur must develop the ability to navigate uncharted waters. By prioritizing emotional well-being, entrepreneurs can cultivate a mindset that embraces ambiguity, remaining open to new possibilities and unafraid of the unpredictable. This adaptability allows you to seize opportunities others may overlook and make informed decisions based on intuition and calculated risks.
Expand your Horizons through Reading
In the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship, it can be tempting to constantly remain connected to work, fearing that something important may be missed. However, allocating a dedicated two hours each day to reading can prove transformative. One of the best ways to improve your emotional health is by reading books that focus on self-improvement or personal development topics. This will help you gain insight into yourself so that you can identify areas where you need improvement or growth.
Additionally, reading books can improve your mental strength: By doubling the reading volume to approximately 60 hours per month, entrepreneurs can enhance their cognitive and emotional inputs. This increased knowledge and insight can then be applied to your work and personal life, fostering innovation, creativity, and a deeper understanding of human behavior.
Stay Calm Under Pressure
The entrepreneurial journey is notorious for its ups and downs. When challenges arise, entrepreneurs must maintain their composure and approach them with a level-headed mindset. Emotional resilience plays a pivotal role in this regard. Being able to keep calm when “the house is on fire” enables entrepreneurs to think clearly, make rational decisions, and lead their teams effectively through difficult times.
This resilience allows them to confront challenges head-on, even if it means losing a significant client. By managing emotions and not letting setbacks derail them, entrepreneurs can turn adversity into opportunities for growth.
Emotional Resilience: The Key to Success
Above all, emotional resilience stands as the linchpin of entrepreneurial success. This trait empowers entrepreneurs to weather storms, bounce back from failures, and maintain their drive and motivation. Emotional resilience enables them to embrace change, adapt to evolving market conditions, and persist in the face of adversity. By prioritizing their emotional health and balance, entrepreneurs can build the mental fortitude necessary to overcome obstacles and thrive in the competitive business landscape.
Your emotional stability should be incremental: This means if you can improve upon your overall ability to make improvements – you can over time see exponential growth. Your emotional strength is one such area where if you can feed the program – you can see unparalleled growth.
The improvements outlined above have all come from my continued drive to take risks. As I take more risks and I’m emotionally stable enough to understand that I should ignore my baser fears and understand the logic of what I’m doing – I’m then able to take more risks in succession and I can start stacking my risks.
Consequently, I will then experience more failures, which will cause me stress, But – all I need is one win to keep my emotions steadily growing, and ultimately – one-win systematically keeps coming (and wins are almost always a matter of perspective); and I’m therefore able to keep pushing forward.
The better you’re able to deal with anxiety, stress, fear, anger, and with it all…And apply professional insight to such challenges whether through books, professionals, conversations, or your own personal experimentation (or all of them); The further you can go and grow in life.
Your emotional resilience then is in my view the most significant key to your success. Because the reason why you’re stuck sitting on a couch contemplating why I can run ultramarathons and you can’t ISN’T a logical problem – it’s an emotional one.
Set yourself on a path to greatness
In the entrepreneurial world, emotional well-being and balance are invaluable assets. By investing time in reading, embracing the unknown, and nurturing emotional resilience, entrepreneurs can unlock their full potential. Ultimately, a healthy emotional state enhances your decision-making capabilities, fosters innovation, and provides the foundation for long-term success. So, embrace emotional health and balance, and set yourself on the path to entrepreneurial greatness.