In the last decade, we have seen several hugely influential women come into power. From politicians to astronauts to academics, many women have and continue to reach positions that it wouldn’t have even been considered possible for a female to accomplish fifty years ago. We have said goodbye to some unforgettable historical women of our time, who have changed the roles for generations of women. We must acknowledge the work of the late Queen Elizabeth II, from greeting the first female prime minister to swearing in the third, and ending the centuries old rule of succession to the crown based on gender. The Queen’s reign straddled that era of change in where women stand and the positions that they can achieve.
With today’s up and coming roles for women, there are several things that I believe females in powerful positions should consider:
Be a Woman
As a woman in business, you see how other people act as soon as they receive power. Whether it’s dressing differently, making unnecessary actions, or inexplicably marking territory, people all react differently to having some level of authority.
If you’re a woman taking on a position of power, you must remember to embrace your womanhood. Do not try to emulate the stereotypical roles of a man in business. It’s vital to reassure yourself that you got to where you are because of you, your past achievements, and everything that you represent.
Women have natural empathetic tendencies and clear instincts. Taking the strength out of your natural characteristics is not a weakness like some may say, it’s a strategic business move that helps you to run your business how best you see fit. Therefore, you should never dumb down your femininity. Be unashamed and be entirely yourself.
Be Diverse
After spending over 30 years in the industry witnessing how others like to work, one key takeaway is that women in power often want to surround themselves with men. Why? It can be a political move, or a power move..look at Margaret Thatcher as an example of this – in 11 years she appointed just one woman to her cabinet and showed very little interest in women’s issues.
Today, in order for your business to succeed you should embrace diversity in all areas, with your clientele, your workforce, and most importantly your thinking. But that cannot happen alone, surround yourself with a wide range of diverse individuals. Creative, innovative people from different backgrounds, who help to push your business forward. You are there for others to learn from, therefore as a higher figure you can encourage those around you to be better according to their own strengths.
Play Chess Not Games
It’s no secret that women are known for being one of the more complicated genders. The biggest confusion that people face in any workplace is communication, however this is amplified when women of a higher ranking try to enforce non-verbal ways of communicating. When women play silent games, without speaking to their team, the running of the business slows down.
Clear and concise communication is essential, especially for women in power. Being direct shows that you are confident and are engaging with a strategic approach to the development of your business. Things must always be said, with consideration, but never shied away from.
Today, we are all working towards creating a forward thinking working culture where women have encouragement to get exactly where they want to be. As female leaders, we must embrace our womanhood, communicate effectively, and use our power for good to pave the way for greater diversity.