The creative spark in every one of us is one of the greatest gifts that God has bestowed upon us. What we call “creativity”innovation” can be defined as the ability to come up with unique and innovative ideas. This is one of the primary functions that our mind performs. It is also a key to our survival.
There are different definitions for creativity. The creative spark has not hit yet is probably one of the most well known among a long list of myths about creativity. But these are not just myths. They are also excuses to avoid doing what you really have to do in order to accomplish your purpose. They are reasons why we avoid facing problems, failing at things, failing to reach our goals, and being discouraged from our efforts.
Imagination is one of the primary functions that our brain performs. As mentioned above, it plays a crucial role in problem solving, creativity, innovation, motivation, and all the other functions that make up human creativity.
If we think about it, an imaginative process is much like a recipe or a cooking technique. Each part of the process is necessary in order to create a final product, or dish that will satisfy the taste buds. We can describe the process as a set of steps that we need to follow in order to prepare our dish.
For example, when you are making a cake, you need to start with the dough, baking it in the oven, then rolling out the cake and cutting the layers, mixing together the icing, decorating the cake, sprinkling flour, baking it again, and finally rolling it out again and cutting it according to the recipe. Each of these steps is necessary in order to make the finished cake. Now, let’s imagine how you would feel if you just ignore the first step, as this is what is called as a “stubborn recipe” or a “perverse recipe.”
When you do not follow a proper step in a creative process, you will have to spend more time in order to achieve your goal. Or, you will have to spend more money in order to purchase a new recipe book, because the first one is no longer effective. and no longer meets your needs.
The reason why you should follow the right path when it comes to coming up with your ideas is because you can create something that you can be proud of, something that you can be proud to show to others. After all, this is not about pride, but rather about learning from the experiences of others. And this is how your creativity will flourish.
You must remember that it does take a lot of hard work and dedication to develop an original idea. But once you get your own idea, you should not give up because this will only ruin your chance of creating something that you can be proud of. It will only be an afterthought and a passing fancy that you have later on, which is not original at all.
If you are a person who wants to succeed at anything in life, be it a job or a business, a hobby or an artistic endeavor, an original idea can help you achieve your goals in a much better way. And even though there may be many other people in your area, you will still be able to do better than them when you have an original idea. This is the power of creativity.
However, if you are someone who has not been able to come up with an original idea, then there are certain things that you can try in order to improve your creativity, to make sure that your creativity will flourish. After all, if you fail to achieve your desired outcome in life, you are not in a position to achieve it anymore. Creativity is a very important thing in life and should not be taken lightly.
One of the ways in which you can improve your creative process is to take advantage of what is called as a mentor. A mentor is someone who is a creative but in a different stage in life. In other words, a person who has already succeeded in their own field.
Someone who has experienced what you are looking for, because they can point you in the right direction. And this could help you in your journey towards an original idea.